- Frontpage
- Most student friendly city in Finland
- Help for everyday life
- Health and wellbeing
Health and wellbeing
Foreign students are entitled to same student health care services as Finnish students. All student are entitled to have basic health care, dental care and mental care services, but not everything is entirely free.
Healthcare services are divided between university students and other students.
Tampere University students
If you are a student in the Tampere University , you are a customer of the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS). FSHS provides general, mental and oral health care services for students of universities and other institutions of higher education.
Tampere FSHS:
- City centre campus: next to Linna library, Kalevantie 3
- Hervanta campus: Konetalo, Korkeakoulunkatu 6

TAMK students and vocational college students
Tampere City Student Health Care provides health services for students studying more than two months in polytechnics (like TAMK), vocational colleges and institutes in Tampere. Studying must be constant.
The psychologists working within student health care give guidance, advice and short-term therapy the goal of which is to restore and maintain the student’s ability to study and/or work. The students coming to consult a psychologist have usually been referred to the psychologist by a public health nurse or a doctor.
Tampere City Health services
Except for emergency medical care, the health services organised by the City of Tampere are only provided for Tampere residents. You are entitled to these services if you are registered in Tampere.
Those needing urgent care must, in the first instance, go to the health centre of their housing district. For example sudden respiratory inflammations, back pain, sprains and children’s ear infections are treated at health centres.
If a you urgently need to consult a doctor, book an appointment from the Telephone Health Service, tel. 03 10023 daily 7 – 22.
The emergency service fee is collected from those having attended at 20 or thereafter on weekdays and all hours on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Those having attended between 8 – 20 on weekdays are charged the normal health center fee.
First aid
Emergency Department Acuta, call: 03 311 611.
Location: Tays Central Hospital, Teiskontie 35, Building K, 0 floor
- The First Aid Unit Acuta treats Tampere residents in case of a sudden illness or injury.
- In case of acute illness you may come directly, without appointment, to the First Aid Unit.
- The unit is open round the clock.
- At the unit patients are treated in order of urgency determined by their medical condition.
Wellbeing services for students
TREY social affairs sector handles matters outside of studies that affect studying ability, like housing, subsistence, sports and healthcare services. If you need help regarding harassment or bullying, reach out to harassment contact persons. You can reach both harassment contacts by email: hairinta(at)trey.fi or only one of them: (for men) hairintamies(at)trey.fi or (for women) hairintanainen(at)trey.fi. The harassment contact persons operate on the terms of the student and no further action or contact will be made without consent. All conversations with the harassment contact persons are fully confidential.
Tamko takes care of its members wellbeing in many ways for example organizing events, supporting and providing sports and outdoor activities for students around campus. Tamko’s
Harassment Contacts support and give advice to students who have experienced disturbance of any form. Our contacts don’t document names and they have full professional confidentiality. You can reach all harassment contacts by email: hairintayhdyshenkilot(at)tamko.fi.
Nyyti ry promotes students’ mental health by providing versatile information and activities about mental wellbeing and coping with everyday life while studying. Nyyti offers online groups and information on themes related to students’ everyday life.