Public transport
Nysse, Tampere regional transport
In Tampere, public transportation connections between campuses, educational institutions and suburbs have been designed to run smoothly whether you’re taking the bus or the tram. A season ticket is the best option for a busy student. People aged 17 to 24 can also travel with travel card or Nysse Mobile’s youth ticket prices.
A 30-day season ticket with a student discount is available from Nysse Mobiili. The season ticket, which has an unlimited number of trips, is valid for selected zones on buses, trams as well as trains. Night fares, upper age limits or home municipality restrictions are not applied. The ticket can be purchased by full-time students who are 17 and over. Your information will be checked from the Finnish National Agency for Education’s Studyinfo service in Nysse Mobiili or its admin page. You can download the app from Google Pay or App Store.
Students - Nysse, Tampere regional transport
Nyssen reittiopas ( helps you to browse bus routes and gives you advice on the best public transport connection to your destination within city traffic. You can also use it to plan your biking and walking routes. You can also park your bike or city bike to a bus or tram station and the journey can be continued by public transport.