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Sports facilities of City of Tampere / Outdoor and sports
Sports facilities
On the website of the City of Tampere, you’ll find information on sports facilities and opportunities from swimming halls to sports fields, outdoor recreation areas and guided exercise.
Sports facilities and services are at the disposal of all city residents. See more precise information on opening hours, locations and bus connections on the venues’ respective websites.
General information ›
Beaches ›
Indoor and outdoor swimming pools ›
Ice stadiums › (in Finnish)
Sports clubs › (in Finnish)
Sports and exercise facilities ›
Instructed exercise ›
Regular reservations ›

Sports Parks
Kaupin sports park is a large common leisure park near the city centre that includes Finnish baseball and football fields, five tennis courts, a private bowling hall, a greayhound track and archery field. In addition, Kauppi has about 32 kilometres of illuminated activity routes that are turned into skeeing routes during the winter.
Tampere stadium (also known as Ratina stadium) has a 66 x 105 metres wide football field and high class track and field facilities.The facilities for athletics are open for all, except during special events. The stadium seats approximately 17,000 spectators.
Outdoor gym equipment The city of Tampere has nine well-equiped outdoor gyms for people to use throughout the year. The gyms are located around Tampere, for example in Kauppi ports park, Nekala school’s yard, next to Peltolammi beach, in Suolijärvi beach and next to Koulukatu field.

Beaches and Beach Volley
The webistes of the city of Tampere include a wide list of the swimming beaches in Tampere. The beaches are maintained by the city and most of them also have a beach volleyball court. There are altogether 12 city-maintained courts. The use of the courts is free of charge and they do not need to be reserved beforehand.
Canoeing and rowing
Kaukajärvi rowing and canoeing centre has six rowing and nine canoeing lanes. Canoeing polo is another sport that is possible on Lake Kaukajärvi. The track and timing equipment, as well as the other structures, are ideal for prominent international competitions.
There are also several canoeing and rowing clubs in Tampere (they work mainly in Finnish, but foreigners can also contact them):
Takon soutajat (Tako rowers) organises for example rowing spinning (7 euros/time, 10-time card 60 euros) and rents church boats.
Tampereen vihuri is a canoeing club that organises canoeing courses and trips.
Pirkan melojat (Pirkka canoers) is a canoeing club whose activities are based on track canoeing and competition but the club also has trek and fitness canoers as members.
Kajak Tampere is a canoeing club that organises canoeing polo, trak canoeing and rapid and rodeo canoeing.

Winter sports
Tampere region has several places to do winter sports. These include for example skating rinks, skiing tracks and winter swimming places. You can use the links below to find out where these places are located. Skating rinks and tracks are for the citizens to use. Sloping, downhill skiing and winter swimming are not free-of-charge, but have a fee.
Skating rinks During the days, the skating rinks are mainly in the use of schools and kindergartens. The rinks have some regular users in the evenings and on weekends. For the rest of the time they are open for free use. The reserved times can be checked on the notice boards of the rinks.
Skiing tracks Tampere has altogether 80 kilometres of illuminated tracks around the city. Most of the tracks are located in the reach of residental areas in the middle of unspoilt and idylic scenery.
Winter swimming There are winter swimming places both with or without a sauna. Most of them are maintained by local associations.
Fishing and crabbing
Every resident of the city has a right to fish in the water areas owned by the city. Fishing and crabbing in common water areas, where the city is a partner, fishery board’s (kalastuskunta) decisions are complied. 18-64-old-years need to have a certificate for paying the fishing licence. More information on fishing and crabbing and the required licences can be found here (in Finnish) or from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s websites.