- Frontpage
- Most student friendly city in Finland
- Culture and sports
- Sport clubs of students
Sport clubs of students
Sport clubs of students
TUrVoKe ry organizes students’ sports activities on Hervanta campus. All students and staff of Tampere University and TAMK are welcome to join.
- American football: Mavericks
- soccer: Teekkareiden Jalkapallokerho ACE
- judo: JURRI
- ice hockey: Hiki-Hockey
- karate: Gakusei
- climbing: Tekiila
- gym: Herwannan hauiskääntö
- kyykkä: TAKS
- downhill skiing: TTHP
- volleyball: Tampereen Teekkarien Lentopallokerho
- sailing: Pii
- horseriding: TeURaS
- floorball: Soittorasia
- floorball (women): SBS Tamppi
- circus: TaTsi
- orienteering: KeparDi
- ultimate: TT-Lätty

Akateeminen Mahti
Tampereen Akateeminen Mahti is the sports club of the Tampere higher education community and its mission is to provide students with the possibility to exercise and play sports diversely to fit everyone’s needs. Mahti has 9 different sports divisions and sport tutors that organises sport introductions.
- frisbeegolf
- futsal
- soccer
- joukkuevoimistelu
- basketball
- volleyball
- horseriding
- floorball
- badminton
Independent: FreezeBees (ultimate) and UniDance (dancing).

Tolu ry (The emerging muscles of Tampere) provides non-competitive leisure activities to TAMK students.
Other Tamko’s clubs
- Formula: Tampere UAS Motorsport
- Downhill Skiing: Jibbers
- Hockey: ATIK
- Ultimate: Tamkon Letut