- Frontpage
- Most student friendly city in Finland
- Culture and sports
Culture and sports
Tampere is a vivid theatre, music and festival city, where the 70 000 students are seen and heard.
With their presence and action, they are also building an urban city culture. Particularly during the autumn, the city is full of student events, the biggest of which are the newbie events of the Student Unions and Hämeenkadun Appro. You can enjoy several different student parties and events throughout the year, join the activities of student clubs and even participate in student politics – if you dare to do so!
The yearly event calendar of Tampere also consists of several major culture and music events like Tammerfest, Tampereen teatterikesä (Tampere Theatre summer), Tampereen Valoviikot (Tampere Light weeks), Tanssi virtaa dance festival, Christmas market, Flower weeks and The Night of Museums.

Versatile sports services
SportUni provides high-quality, versatile and equal sports services for university students and personnel in the Tampere region.
You can use three campuses’ services for just one fee!