Student Union of Tampere University TREY is an advocacy and service organisation of the students of Tampere University, founded in 2019. Each student studying for a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree at the University is a member of TREY. TREY has approximately 18,000 members, who study in Tampere, Turku, Pori and Seinäjoki.
In the organisation of the student union, the highest decision-making power belongs to the Council of Representatives, who are elected from among the members every two years in representative elections. The council appoints the Executive Board, which exercises the administrative and executive power.

For the purpose of providing daily services and doing long-term advocacy work, the student union employs a number of specialists and office staff. Three committees, the Administration Committee, the Committee for Financial Affairs, and the Honorary Committee, operate under the Council of Representatives.
The headquarters of TREY are located in the TUT Rakennus-building, L-wing (Korkeakoulunkatu 5, 33720 Tampere). There’s also an office at City Centre Campus (Yliopistonkatu 60 A, 2nd floor).